Our Roadmap to the Future
The mission of the North Houston District is to attract the best in commercial and residential life to our appealing, safe, accessible and green activity center. This work is guided by our Service, Improvement and Assessment Plan.
Known as the “Greater Greenspoint Management District 2030 Plan”, the Plan was adopted by the District’s Board of Directors on December 7, 2006 and outlines six project/program areas.
The District chose to implement a 25-year plan in an effort to better align with the planning cycles of various regional partners, such as the City of Houston, Harris County, Metro, and the Houston-Galveston Area Council.
You can download a copy of the 2030 Plan here.

- Public Safety
- Planning and Infrastructure
- Field Services
- Marketing and Public Affairs
- Financial and Support Services
- Greenspoint Community Partners (an affiliated non-profit organization)

Parks & Trails

Planning & Projects