A reminder from our valued partners at Greens Bayou Coalition: Tomorrow is the BIG day! Come celebrate Arbor Day with Greens Bayou Coalition and North Houston District in a BIG way! Help us Green Up Greens Bayou by planting 85 trees this Thursday, November 7. Sign up...
Planning & Projects
Rate Cuts and Real Estate: What the Fed’s Move Means for North Houston’s Commercial Market
Q3 2024 North Houston Commercial Real Estate Market Report To no one’s surprise, the Federal Reserve (finally) cut its policy rate on September 18, 2024 However, what caught many observers off guard was the size of the cut – a significant 50 basis points, reducing the...
Monumental Progress in North Houston District’s Gateway Sign Program
The North Houston District is nearing completion of its multi-phase Gateway Monument Program, a project designed to enhance the area’s identity and foster an appealing environment for visitors, businesses, employees, and residents. These gateway monuments are more...
District Administrative Offices Closed for Labor Day
The North Houston District wishes everyone a relaxing Labor Day weekend! We’re out of the office Monday, September 2, 2024, but will return Tuesday, September 3. All parks are open during their normal hours. Are you interested in the origins of Labor Day? Observed the...
North Houston District parks and sidewalks project update
HOUSTON, TX (March 5, 2024) – Several infrastructure projects for the North Houston District (NHD) are now in high gear in early 2024, ranging from parks to sidewalks to pedestrian improvements, thanks to the awarding of major grants and funding from key partners....
2024 Parks and Natural Areas Special Recognition Award
Parks and Natural Areas Special Recognition Award The North Houston District was honored with a Parks and Natural Areas Special Recognition Award for planning excellence from the Houston-Galveston Area Council on February 9, 2024, for its Parks Master Plan.Pictured on...
Reconstruction Underway at Prominent Corner off Greenspoint Drive
Houston, TX (SEPT 28, 2023) – With vehicular and pedestrian safety in mind, the North Houston District is widening the turn radius at the southeast corner of Benmar Drive at Greenspoint Drive. The construction project, which began the week of September 25, is expected...
$1M in park improvements planned at Wussow Park
Nearly $1M in park improvements planned at Wussow Park in North Houston North Houston District earns Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Grant.The North Houston District received a $455,013 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department grant for the Wussow Park Renovation...
District Partnership with Houston Dynamo, Houston Dash, U.S. Soccer Foundation brings mini-pitch soccer to Wussow Park
Houston, TX (October 5, 2023) – The North Houston District partnered with the U.S. Soccer Foundation, the Houston Dynamo, and the Houston Dash to bring a mini pitch to Thomas R. Wussow Park by June 2024. A mini pitch is an enclosed, hard surface space with goals at...
North Houston District Focuses on Safe Sidewalks for Community
The North Houston District is working alongside local agencies to bring projects that improve sidewalks in communities they serve in north Houston so that residents have a safe way to move throughout their neighborhoods as well as to and from transportation sources.