Public Art & Placemaking



Mission Statement

North Houston District Mission
“To attract the best in commercial and residential life to our appealing, safe, accessible and green activity center.”

Public Art Mission Statement
A Public Art & Placemaking Program for the North Houston District can achieve the following goals:

  • Advance its appeal as a safe, accessible, and green place to live, work, and visit
  • Beautify and elevate the District, with high quality public art installations
  • Enhance the District’s image as a “people place” and fight blight
  • Contribute to a sense of safety and security
  • Build positive neighborhood identity and pride
  • Contribute vibrancy to a Livable Center for housing, jobs, mobility, and recreation
  • Bring joy to people’s daily lives

Why Invest in Public Art for the North Houston District?

A Public Art & Placemaking Program offers an appealing and effective toolkit, for the North Houston District to advance each major initiative within the 2030 Service Plan. Strategic investments in public art can be made equitably across all four quadrants of the District.

Public art has a proven, innate value and power to enhance places and people’s lives. Strategic well executed interventions with public art can advance the full range of management district objectives.

The Program will use public art as a powerful tool to achieve core District management goals. It will harness the creativity and talents of artists, creative visionaries, and place-makers. It will be approached as an opportunity to build a cohesive community and trust, as well as strong relationships and partnerships.

Public Art & Placemaking Opportunities Report