Know The Facts
The 2023 Prioritizing Safety brochure offers a snapshot of our region’s most current crime statistics and a glance at the North Houston District’s crime prevention and community outreach tactics.
To request print copies, please contact VP of Public Safety Tracy Harrison at

The Data
The North Houston District tracks overall crime in the City of Houston and determines how much of that activity occurs in the North Houston District. We analyze crime data to assess needs and allocate resources, including budget, outreach programs, and task force operations.
The Method
Due to vast differences in crime reporting methods among agencies, we focus on data that is consistently obtainable. The District’s boundaries consist of two police beats and two jurisdictions, so data is pulled from multiple sources to build an accurate annual assessment.
No Comparison
We focus on activity within our boundaries. The Houston Police Department advises against comparing patrol beats due to size and population differences, and it is difficult to compare counties for those same reasons.

Want to know the facts for your community?
The following sites let you explore activity in a specific location by simply entering an address.
LexisNexis Community Crime Map
Harris County Crime Reports
City of Houston Crime Reports
ABC13 Houston Safety Tracker
Houstonians can research crime statistics in detail by neighborhood and HPD patrol beats. To find it, search for the ABC13 Houston app.